Tagarchief: Whole-of-Government approach

Automatic exchange of tax information will develop into a general data sharing system by governments | OECD

The mandatory system of data transfers from financial institutions to the US (based on the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, ‘FATCA’) is a daunting example of the risks of international data exchange. The problems of citizens and organisations being harmed … Lees verder

Geplaatst in Belastingrecht, Financieel recht, onder meer Wft, Wtt, Fraude, witwasbestrijding, Wwft, Grondrechten, ICT, privacy, e-commerce | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Een reactie plaatsen

Virtual launch of the book on the Whole-of-Government Approach on AML/CFT – 28 November

The Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law announced in its newsletter that the virtual launch of the book Taxing Crime: A Whole-of-Government Approach to Fighting Corruption, Money Laundering and Tax Crimes (see my previous post) will take place on … Lees verder

Geplaatst in Belastingrecht, English - posts in English on this blog | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Een reactie plaatsen

Whole-of-Government Approach in fighting crime and finding new ways to tax | World Bank publication

Is the ‘Whole-of-Government Approach‘ the latest trend in fighting crime? The World Bank Group has published a report [1] in the ‘stolen asset recovery initiative series‘ [2], with as title: Taxing Crime. A Whole-of-Government Approach to Fighting Corruption, Money Laundering, … Lees verder

Geplaatst in Belastingrecht, English - posts in English on this blog, Financieel recht, onder meer Wft, Wtt, Fraude, witwasbestrijding, Wwft, Grondrechten, Strafrecht | Tags: , , , , , , , , | Een reactie plaatsen