Extraterritorial Taxation: Is It All Our Fault? | FATCA

Michel wrote the article Extraterritorial Taxation: Is It All Our Fault? critisizing US policies, e.g.:

Beyond U.S. funding for the OECD’s misguided initiatives, its proposals often build on the United States’ worst tax ideas (…) Historically, unilateral U.S. expansions of its tax base have spawned even more aggressive changes from other countries and the OECD

He proposes that the Congress give a good example:

Congress should lead by example. Moving to a full territorial tax system and increasing financial privacy protections will both make the U.S. a more attractive investment hub and disengage from the escalatory fight for other countries’ tax bases

Chairman Lehagre of the Association des Américains Accidentels is hopeful, though not much has happened for the victims of FATCA until now.

Over Ellen Timmer

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